> Anbar wrote: > > Hello! > I 'm trying to learn as transmitting a serial byte using the > PIC16F84-04. > In my circuit, I will use a PIC16F84 to send a byte to TX , and > another PIC16F84 to Rx a byte and show it in a comun display. If > possible, I 'd like some simple idea to get starting. > Could anyone have the codes in ASM? All the Basic Stamp One commands are now provided in asm code at: http://www.dontronics.com/convert.html The serial routines covered are: Serin (receive data) Serin (convert # data) Serin (check qualifiers) Serout (send data) Serout (format # data) and they can be downloaded from the above page in zip format. Don McKenzie mailto:don@dontronics.com http://www.dontronics.com Don's Download Dungeon: http://www.dontronics.com/download.html Australian Electronics Ring http://www.dontronics.com/aering.html Win $500USD Cash. Micro design contest: http://www.simmstick.com