Dan Tye wrote: > > Tesla was the "father" of AC and also, as it happened, Edison's > assistant during the time Tesla was formulating the use of AC. Since > Edison believed strongly in the use and distribution of DC to the > masses, a rift developed between the two men which would never be > resolved. If Edison had had his way, every small neighborhood would > have had its own DC power generating station (since DC can't be > transported over distance). This is the version of history I am > familiar with anyway.... > > -----Original Message----- > From: John Pfaff [mailto:pfaff@WRITEME.COM] > Sent: Friday, September 10, 1999 10:38 AM > To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > Subject: Re: cats! -Reply > > IIRC, the main reason we use AC instead of DC is the lower cost of > transmission. I believe it was Edison that pushed for DC, because it > was > safer. Westinghouse and Tesla pushed for AC because of transformers and > motors. Edison pointed to the fact that AC was used for executions, so > it > is inherently dangersous. All of this is from memory, so if I'm full of > it, > someone please correct me. ======================== For a few years near the turn of the century my hometown in Nebraska *did* have a DC generating plant which was a spin-off (pun intended) of the water driven grist mill. It furnished power for street and store lights plus some homes. 24 VDC, I believe. Harley L. Miller hmiller@sound.net