Hi. Sorry to trouble y'all about this again, but I'm still hacking on my pitiful website, and I've started to do a page on Linux resources for electronics development, with a section specifically for PICs. I know of a few free resources, such as gpasm and gpsim (although James' page at SGI seems finally to be down; is there a replacement somewhere?), as well as Brian Lane's '84 programmer. There's a bunch of stuff for AVRs (including a gcc port), and for general electronics, there's PCB, gEDA, and a couple of other tools, including SPICE ports (useful?). On the commercial side, there's of course Eagle for Linux, and at least the Hi-Tech compilers -- at twice the price, however :-(. I'd be real grateful if y'all could send me any up-to-date links you have, and especially if you are maintaining a Linux-based tool or website, free or commercial, I'd like to know about it so that I can list it. Thanks for any help you can provide, --Bob Drzyzgula (It would be useful if, in any reply to this, you address your message to eweb@drzyzgula.org. The Reply-To: of this message is set appropriately. Thanks.) -- ============================================================ Bob Drzyzgula It's not a problem bob@drzyzgula.org until something bad happens ============================================================ http://www.drzyzgula.org/bob/electronics/ ============================================================