>I'd like to cover at least 50 Km (that is a little over 30 miles), so I will >need a fairly powerful transmitter... > >Andres Tarzia >Technology Consultant, SMART S.A. >e-mail: atarzia@smart.com.ar > That is going to be a problem. Most commercial pagers work on a cellular basis: various transmitters transmit the message at the same time from various locations. These fairly strong transmitters are locarted on high buildings or hilltops to improve coverage. If you want to have good coverage indoors and outdoors in an area with a radius of 50 km you are roughly looking at a vhf transmitter of 40 W or more with an antenna at a hight of 25 - 30 meters (very roughly) in flat country. Exact fieldstrenght calculations would be necessary. Also depends on the transmitting frequency: the higher the frequency the more power you need for indoor reception. The values given are based on the 144-1448 Mc amateur frequencies and experience with amateur repeater stations. In mountainous country it would be impossible to do without one or more repeater stations. Henk Tobbe - VK2GWK(PA0ADC)