Here is a tricky situation: I cannot seem to get any of my 16F84-10/P PICs to run using a crystal. The code simulates nicely in MPLAB, and I can get the same code to run if I use the RC setting and components, but not a crystal. I have tried 4Mhz, 6Mhz and 10Mhz crystals. I am using the two capacitors (one on each leg of the xtal) which are 22pf each. Vdd is 3v. I have tried 5v. I have tried 2 different solderless breadboards. An old radio shack one and a brand new one from JDR. The wdt is DISABLED. OST is disabled. PWRT is disabled. MCLR is high The spec sheet refers to serial and parallel resistive crystals. How can I tell what kind I have. There are no useful markings on the xtals (other than the frequency and the mfgr). Is there some excess capacitance in the breadboard that is keeping the crystal from oscillating? Should I enable the OST? Or maybe the PWRT? Any suggestions? I didn't think it would be this difficult. Remove the BALONEY from my email address. ----------------------------------------------------- Matthew Fries Minneapolis, MN USA "Quit eating all my *STUFF*!" - The Tick