Can some one Show me how to output, through the USART on a PIC17c43, say 2 or 3 bytes of data one after another. I can now output one byte but I can't get it to output more that one here's the code I've been playing with but all this does is crash my PC ############################################################## LIST P=PIC17C43 #INCLUDE ORG 0 MOVLW 0X4 ;INIT MOVWF SPBRG BCF TXSTA , SYNC BSF RCSTA , SPEN MOVLW 0X43 ;NEW DATA MOVWF TXREG ;MOVE TO TXREG BSF TXSTA , TXEN ;SEND LOOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP BTFSS TXSTA , TRMT ;POLL TRMT TO SEE WHEN TSR IS EMPTY GOTO LOOP CLRF TXREG , F ;NOT SURE IF THIS NEEDED BCF TXSTA , TXEN ;DISABLE SEND MOVLW 0X43 ;NEW DATA MOVWF TXREG ;IN TXREG BSF TXSTA , TXEN ;SEND GOTO $ END ###################################################################### Thanks in advance Regards Jonathan Ferguson ------------------------------------------------------ Research Student Microelectronics/Radiation Group University of Lancaster Lancaster Bailrigg Lancs LA1 4YR Tel : (01524) 593326 Fax :(01524) 381707 ICQ 31455174 ----- Original Message ----- From: Andy Kunz To: Sent: Friday, September 03, 1999 2:04 PM Subject: [OT] Blatant Advertisement > This is blatant off-topic advertising, but just so you can see what I do in > my "spare" time. > > Not totally OT, though - it has a PIC in it (driving the speed > control/electronic throttle). > > > > Andy > > ================================================================== > Andy Kunz Life is what we do to prepare for Eternity > ------------------------------------------------------------------ > - Race Boats > - Electronics > ================================================================== >