The motor choice is unfortunately not my choice as the anttena assembly is alrea dy in place and they are basically using a switch to provide a pulse to the control board to make the motor advance. The receiver analyser is part of a separate system as well so that value does not need to be recorded. Anne Ogborn wrote: > > I'm in agreement with whoever posted that you should just use a common motor. > > Since this sounds like a "one time" thing, consider buying a hefty sized wall > clock and attaching the antenna to the minute hand. Unless your > mechanical alignment is the pride of the machinist's art, you > should be able to simply turn on a switch starting the clock and > press the "start" button on the software. > Every nn seconds, read the data from the receiver (heck, every nn seconds, > read the data from the meter and type it into excel). > > If your antenna is heftier, consider (I'm not joking) a wind-up spring type > motor. They usually have lots of oomph. > > Now, the "we gotta be serious" answer - > > Get a machinist's rotary table. Attach a fractional HP gearhead motor to > the handle, with a cam that trips a switch each revolution (or use the encoder , > but that's overkill). To start the test, crank the unit to 0.000 - turn the mo tor on > and take a data point each time the switch trips. > > If you're doing this once, forget the switch, cam, etc. - get an assistant to turn the > crank and shout to you each time, then type the value into Excel. > > the sick answer. > Mount the unit on a big flywheel and spin. Take data at a constant rate contin uously. > You should get a repeating pattern you can extract the flywheel frequency from . > > If this is a humungeous radar antenna, it should act as it's own flywheel - > just power it like normal, take data for a couple revolutions, and find the ro tation speed. > If you know the sample rate you know the angular spread of the samples. > > As in everything, the question is, how many of these antennas do you want to m easure? > How fast do you need to do it? And what's the cost of engineering vs. labor? > > People often forget that it IS possible to do it manually. > > -- > Anniepoo > Need loco motors? > -- _____________________________________________________________________ _ Gary Cadman, _| |_ MOS Design \. _} Tel. +44 (0)1604 663490 Northampton TEXAS \( INSTRUMENTS Fax. +44 (0)1604 663456 Test and Verification _____________________________________________________________________