Yeah, A friend lend me the 4.5 and I cleaned 500Mbytes of my second HD to try the x86 version. The CD has an autorun script to install a custom Partition Magic version for Be. It installs and when you run it you may select a drive to make a Be partition. It does everything and at the end a window ask you to eject the CD and reboot with the boot floppy (???). Searching the CD (it always try to reinstall the Partition Magic...) I found a "booting" folder with cpimage.exe, make.bat and readme. Reading the "readme" it«s very iluminating, says to run the make.bat from any DOS window in Win95. I then opened a DOS window, switched to E: (my CD) and "cd booting". From there I finnaly typed make. The swift cpimage.exe shows the usage and exited. The make.bat doesn«t work. Then I read the make.bat and typed it myself: E:\>\booting\cpimage zbeos a: For my surprise the cpimage started to (?) copy the zbeos disk image to a formatted floppy in drive A:. It then wrote something like ...successful created... and quited. (heaven) Ok, now the boot floppy is created and I finnaly may evaluate the 15 min installation time for Be (as they advertise in their site). I shutdow the PC and rebootted with BIOS set to boot from floppy, and... the same old Win95 shows up - wonderfull I thinked. Seaching again the CD and killing the Partition Magic Setup again I discoverd a \Win95\BeOS subfolder with a readme (claiming quick&dirty) explaining I had to copy the BeOS folder to C: (a crap explanation about hardcoded scripts) to allow a lean boot fron Win95/DOS. Ok, I copied the sub-folder.... Then I run the BeOS in that folder - it switched Win95 to DOS mode (rebooting) and (crying) a blue BeOS 4.5 screen showed up. The boot code started and sequentially illuminated the circulars icones of the process. And my stopwatchrunning... Suddently it stops with a white line message like script error (?). After a 1000s Win95 reboot and Partition Magic Setup killing, I tried to copy the whole tree \Win95\Beos to my C: drive. And here we go again. This time the Boot process continue until its end copying a lot of stuff from the CD to my second HD. Suddently a pointing hand icon shows up. My two buttons serial Logitech mouse was (?) not connected with that Icon (anyway) and it desapeared and a agreement window shows up. >From that moment on I tried all keyboard/mouse combinations until I found one key that allowed me to continue - the RESET key. Three hours later I got an RedHat 6.0 CD and installed it in that 500Mb partition in less than 15 minutes. Oh, I forgot to mention that the cpimage never worked and I run Norton Diskedit in DOS mode just to check the boot sector of that boot floppy had only boot sector at all. I then leeched the Be ftp site getting the 4.5.1 bootimage. There I discovered in the bootimage.readme that for DOS users the magic program to prepare the infamos boot floppy is named "rawrite". (back to Linux) With a copy of rawrite from a Linux distribuiton - no I didn«t find it at the Be site, maybe I was so tired I didn«t seached all site - I finnaly got a workable boot floppy from the zbeos file. (that one at least worked) Well, I give the CD back to my friend and start to learn Linux. Sorry for my english and maybe this why this attempt didn«t worked. cheers, J Souto Stuart O'Reilly wrote: > Has anybody had any experience with the BeOS opperating system? Any > comments? > Regards > Stuart