Piclist: I am looking for a source of keyboard controllers for a friend. Basically it would be a PIC or 8051 or AVR that scans a membrane keyboard and sends the keys back as RS-232 data to some host. Probably a 4x4 matrix would be fine. I would like to find a source of pre-programmed, documented chips (or small PCBs), and it seems that someone out there was making them. I know it is a simple project, but I'm up to my ears in simple projects! Any suggestions? Sincerely, Brent A. Crosby | Brent A. Crosby | Crystalfontz America, Incorporated | 15611 East Washington Road | Valleyford, WA 99036 | voice (509) 291-3514 facsimile (509) 291-3345 | http://www.crystalfontz.com brent@crystalfontz.com