Hi there...I'm new to programming the pics and I've been having problems sending a single byte of data through the USART. I can send data but I cannot stop it. Here is the code I've been using --> LIST P=PIC17C43 #INCLUDE ORG 0 MOVLW 0X4 MOVWF SPBRG BCF TXSTA , SYNC BSF RCSTA , SPEN MOVLW 0X41 MOVWF TXREG BSF TXSTA , TXEN nop nop BCF TXSTA ,TXEN GOTO $ END I just want to send a single byte but this code will send 0X41 continuously ..I have tried polling TXIF and TRMT to see when the TXREG and TSR is empty and then clearing TXSTA but that still does not do what I want Can someone give me an example of how to send a single byte of data. Thanks in advance Regards Jonathan Ferguson ------------------------------------------------------ Research Student Microelectronics/Radiation Group University of Lancaster Lancaster Bailrigg Lancs LA1 4YR Tel : (01524) 593326 Fax :(01524) 381707 j.ferguson@lancaster.ac.uk ICQ 31455174