I'll have another go at summarising FFT for beginners (of which I count as one). As I mentioned, please ignore the previous attempt! Here goes: The highest frequency you can extract is half the sampling frequency. In other words, if you sample at 10kHz then the highest frequency you can pull out is 5kHz (this is known as the Nyquist frequency). The lowest frequency you can extract is 1 / duration of sound bite. So, if your soundbite is 100ms long, then the lowest frequency you can extract is 10Hz. With a 2 second long soundbite your lowest extractable frequency is 0.5Hz, and so on. The rest of the steps in the FFT output are multiples (harmonics) of that lowest frequency. So, with our 100ms soundbite the first item in the FFT output represents 10Hz, the next represents 20Hz, and so on up to the Nyquist frequency. (This is just a better way of explaining what I said in my previous attempt). Most FFT engines require you to present them with a soundbite which is exactly a power of 2 samples long. In other words, the soundbite must consist of 4, 8, 16, ........ 256, 512, 1024, 2048, etc samples. If your soundbite isn't the right length, you can either truncate it down to the previous power of 2, or you can pad it with zeroes up to the next power of two. For example, if your soundbite is (say) 700 samples long you must either chop it back to 512, or pad it to 1024. Generally padding is the better bet if you can spare the processing time. Both can cause complications if you are using a "window" (which is too heavy to go into now). The industry standard sampling rates we tend to use (e.g. 11025Hz, 22050Hz, etc), combined with the need to adjust the length of the soundbite to be a power of 2, means that the frequencies in the FFT output are usually fractional numbers rather than integers. For example, a soundbite of 1024 samples, which was recorded at 11025Hz, gives us a bottom frequency of 10.766Hz, the next frequency is 21.533Hz, and so on up to 5512.5Hz. Finally, to repeat: filter out everything above the Nyquist frequency *before* you do the sampling. In other words, the filtering needs to be done in the analogue domain. For example, with a 11025Hz sampling frequency, you would filter out everything above 5.5kHz. The reason for this is that frequencies above the Nyquist frequency get "mirrored" back into the 0 to 5kHz range and give you misleading results. Steve Thackery Suffolk, England. Web Site: http://www.btinternet.com/~stevethack/