There was a previous subject like that months ago, plenty discussed with several very good ideas about it. The problem was to close a door over an electronic device, and it should be done as fast as possible when rain starts. One of the best ideas was to use a large funnel to collect rain drops and use a pair of led (emmiter/receiver) to "read" the drops running down the funnel small end. The funnel would "amplify" the rain drops quantity and the operation is quickly. I already used a simple solution but demand analog measurements. Two resistors (around 330 Ohms 1%) connected to +5VCC, one is encapsulated and protected from the weather, another is also encapsulated in thin epoxy and exposed to the rain drops. Both resistors heat with the current, the one exposed to the rain drops goes to a lower temperature (water dissipation), creating a difference of current between both resistors, what triggers the electronics "it is rainning". When the rain stops, the actual resistor heatting dryes it in less than a minute. Both resistors should be able to receive the same air and wind temperature.