I've sent a note to Clyde, but I'm conscious I'm hassling him too much. So I'll pop this one to the whole group. Using the Hi-Tech assembler, does anyone have an idea what sort of thing makes it report a "Phase error"? There is no mention of such an error in the manual. Here is the output: Compiling MAIN.AS: Command line: "C:\HT-PIC\BIN\PICC.EXE -17C44 F:\WORK\METER_SW\HI_TECH\MAIN.AS" Enter PICC -HELP for help f:\work\meter_sw\hi_tech\main.as: 30: Phase error (error) f:\work\meter_sw\hi_tech\main.as: 31: Phase error (error) f:\work\meter_sw\hi_tech\main.as: 33: Phase error (error) f:\work\meter_sw\hi_tech\main.as: 34: Phase error (error) f:\work\meter_sw\hi_tech\main.as: 36: Phase error (error) f:\work\meter_sw\hi_tech\main.as: 37: Phase error (error) f:\work\meter_sw\hi_tech\main.as: 23: Phase error (error) f:\work\meter_sw\hi_tech\main.as: 25: Phase error (error) f:\work\meter_sw\hi_tech\main.as: 26: Phase error (error) f:\work\meter_sw\hi_tech\main.as: 27: Phase error (error) Exit status = 1 I should say that MAIN.AS does INCLUDE four other .AS files prior to line 23. However they are, as far as I can tell, syntactically correct (when they weren't it correctly reported such errors). Note also that it has reported the lines out of order. Any clues? Steve Thackery Suffolk, England. Web Site: http://www.btinternet.com/~stevethack/