If you think that our body is a long experience adaptation to the environment, you can think it is some kind of a highly developed robot. This organic robot is pretty nice to supply examples when building electromechanical robots. A great percentage of humans just don't go where they can't see or understand (as a protection system), so a robot could do something similar, if the sensors can't determine what is ahead, just avoid it, or apply a sticker in the robot's front head "Adventurer" and reprogram the unit to find out what is in the unknown and unreadable by the sensors space ahead. A memory (E2prom) mapped is the best choice, one byte per each 4 sq inches (aprox 10x10cm) can save 256 different meanings for that space, along with a nice electronic compass and space positioning by beacon triangulation. We use something similar based on space/time. When traveling you can have an idea how far you are and probably "where" you, also where is North or South based on the movement/distance/time, if you sleep during the travel you got confused and you can't guess where are you (you can miss it by hundreds or thousands of miles, and you will need a compass or other trick to say where is South). A beacon can be used somehow with a transponder that works as a retransmitting system. Your robot send a signal (ultrasound or something) and the fixed stations (three) will receive it and send another signal back. Your robot will receive it and analyze distances, positioning, etc. Each station has a different preset delay to send back the signal, so one will not interfere with another, they can use the same signal frequency (if ultrasound). In real you would be recreating a GPS system. This is cheap and works, and your robot will know exactly where it is in the mapped area. You need to consider problems with signal bouncing, walls, objects, and so on, that can interfere in the "understanding" of time/space. Measurements of arriving signal amplitude and delays can tell the robot several other important informations. Pre-programmed objects and locations would be nice, as power outlets (battery recharging), hiding and resting areas and so on. The understanding of the environment is pretty nice, as for example stay in a corner during the night (connected to a power outlet) and working as an automatic light upon noise (it can light your way to the bathroom night run), or working as a "learning repeater unit", turning on the TV and select a specific channel at certain time of the day, because it "saw" it happens several times at its "infrared receiver", or "yell" to the kids to go sleep because it is after 10pm. Just don't forget to include the organic robots common mistakes as "marriage", "get fat", and other minor specialties. :)