More detail would help. - Is this by telephone (???) or radio or ??? - Describe how the overall system works. - Knowing WHY this is done would be interesting. - The 7910 "worldchip" modem IC may still be available ([possibly surplus) allowing roll yer own still. - There are other modem IC's that would handle the data rate. Depending on how this all works it may be possible to make a very cheap and simple modem adequate to the task using a single tone decoder IC eg LM567!!! or a 4046 PLL IC or XR... or .... I am puzzled as to why a modem is needed at all unless there is some arcane extra feature that you have not mentioned. If you use an audio circuit then the USER is the modem received with Morse. If you are using eg a multipoint digital data network it may make sense. regards Russell McMahon - - o o o - o o o - - - - o - - o - o - o :-) ================================================ From: McMeikan, Andrew > I have been asked by some Morse coders to explore the possibility >of using a micro to set an AT-command style modem into 300 baud to >communicate via a hand operated Morse key. > > At the moment these guys are using dumb modems to send Morse Why? ? to each other all over Australia, via what medium >dumb 300 baud modems are getting harder to come >by so they are looking at using smart modems with a 'little black box' to >handle setting the right mode and interfacing to the key and sounder. >