Hi to all engineers. I just wanted to share my today's experience with piclisters it might by handy tool for some people. I was playing with MPLAB generated disassembly code trying to replace computer generated hex labels with normal labels. it was taking long time to replace hex numbers to words plus I noticed mistakes added by me. finely I figured out another way of doing it this is how I did it and it works OK. 1. front of every hex labels I added a letter a example 0052 becomes a0052 2. If it has more then 1 zero make it 1 zero example it was a0052 now it will be a052 3. GOTO and CALL instruction have this kind of label example CALL 0x52 add a letter front of each GOTO and CALL instructions labels and delete x letter it becomes a052 4. in MPLAB go EDIT REPLACE a052 with your new label example TEST and click replace all. before you use this your cursor should be on the top. Andre Abelian