DonTronics mistake, your gain! Just got my new dt106 boards and have found a serious problem. The Simm Socket edge connector is solder masked when it shouldn't be. This means it can't be used readily as a SimmStick. Sure it is a stand alone CPU board with a 40 pin I/O header and a programming header, so it isn't at the point of being completely useless. You can read about it and the problem at: And for users that are prepared to take these DT106 boards as is, then I am selling them at 3 for $20AUD. Now this becomes a nicely priced PIC16F87x proto board. And I have hundreds of them. That's around $4.25USD each, posted to anywhere in the world. These boards have provision for: 28, and 40 pin footprints to suit all current PICmicro flash PIC1687x devices. Alternative RS-232 or RS-485 Comms 78L05 Regulator Eeprom. Same pinout for MicroChip 24LCxx family. 8570 Ram. can be used as second Eeprom location. Provision for power up/reset circuit which allows both a cmos and open collector Brown Out circuit chips to be fitted if the user chooses to use one, as the 40 pin footprints match older PICmicro devices also. Provision for LCD 14/16 pin header, and mounting holes for selected 1 and 2 line displays, plus contrast pot. Provision for Crystal (and Caps), or Resonator Oscillator. A 40 pin header (40 pin dip compatible) at the top edge of the board. DS-1302 Real Time Clock. 10 pin programming header that matches the programming header on the DT001 board. The simply are *** NOT*** SimmStick compatible. Don McKenzie Don's Download Dungeon: Australian Electronics Ring Win $500USD Cash. Micro design contest: