Hiya I've been thinking (uh-oh) this weekend, and came up with an idea that might be usefull, or at least interesting. Us nerds are constantly pushed to squeeze more functionality for less money out of smaller chips at lower power levels. There are magic silicon parts out there, but we tend to miss them, because they are not 'mainstream' (read : marketed). Now, how about I (any offers for help?) write a Java script that can collect information from users (anonymously), and then post a list of processors, functionality, prices for a particular volume etc. I've written small scripts, but nothing like this.It's success will largely depend on the participation of the visitors. We'd be able to compare on a per-functionality basis, different micros, their dev tools, avaliability, price etc. This script will have to run on someone else's web page. -- Friendly Regards Tjaart Tjaart's views are his only, and do not, in any way, imply that his employers share his views. Tjaart is using his right to free speech on a personal level, and does not want to create the (false) impression that this could be construed as coming from his employer, or anyone else in the organisation.