Nicholas Irias wrote: > Anyone know where to find a replacement for this memory chip? I'm inclined to ask: How do you know it's crook? > It's from an Atari Millipede arcade game. It was made by Intel > around 1982, I would have placed it more like 1978. > but does not have datasheets for any of their > semiconductor products, Typically useless "gloss" site. > so finding an equivalent chip is also difficult. Yeah. I could look it up in a pinch (maybe), but replacement in the manner you suggest *actually* consists of mounting a 6116 (2K RAM) chip on a piece of perfboard, bolting that somehow to the motherboard, and using flying wires to connect like pins to the DUR (Device Under Replacement). In the process, you will most likely use the abovementioned chip to replace *most* if not *all* of the 2101s. Which is a Good Thing, as it runs cool, is faster and (as a consequence of running cool) will, unlike the original, never fail! I think you will have only one problem in doing the above (apart from figuring out the address multiplexer circuit and modifying same); the 2101 had separate data input and output lines. Use resistors. However, the alternative of finding and/ or using the exact replacement chip, is just not meaningful any more. -- Cheers, Paul B.