Hi guys I have been having some trouble hooking up a I2C expander from Philips (PCF8575) to my PIC using the i2cout command in pic basic. Does anyone have some pointers or even sample code that would help me understand what needs to be sent to this chip. I am using a PIC 16F84. The setup I have is a home brew PIC proto board designed by a Friend of mine (He designed the board years ago for the 16C84), he also designed and build the board which I am using to house the Philips chip. The Philips chip has an LED connected to each of it output pins (8 in total). The two boards (Proto and I2C board) have worked together before but the guy who got it working cannot remember how. The fact that it has worked before tells me that I am most probably using incorrect values in my I2COUT command. Any Help, or do you need more info? _______________________________________________________________ Jonathan Russell SmartStream Administrator - Forbes Group Tel: (011)292-2553 Fax: (011)263-2118 E-mail: RussellJ@ftg.co.za