Paul B. Webster VK2BZC wrote: > > Mark Willis wrote: > > > A friend wants help driving the square stepper motor off of a Teac > > 5.25" Floppy (the head positioning stepper), at 8Hz or so, for a > > ribbon inker, giving him 12 RPM's. > > > He has yet to get me specs on that motor, anyone know that motor well > > & have good details on how to drive 'er? > > Yes. It's dead simple. TAKE THE PCB OFF THE FLOPPY DRIVE and connect > the motor to it. You now have a complete driver operating from a 12V > and 5V supply via a standard power connector, and a logic interface at > TTL (CMOS) levels by Enable, Direction and Step commands. > > How much easier can you want? > -- > Cheers, > Paul B. Saw Todd Peterson's post also - Thanks, Todd, good info. Paul - Definitely! - He and I were talking about that already (Just sent him a 8Hz LM555 circuit, which should do him nicely to clock that card ) - You know me, though, I want to know MORE, MORE, MORE I have a LOT of old steppers around here & will be using them for other uses (some of which will have to be PIC driven, and are no-where near as simple as his needs. I want to automate feeding the cats, some day, for one thing.) He wants an absolute minimal cost solution, I'm after refreshing my DRam brain cells thoroughly (They're all too much in need of refreshing.) I also was already talking to him about half-stepping the motor, which I'd probably do here - but I doubt he'll do, for finer smoother rotation of the motor. (I've wondered - Does half-stepping give you more effective torque out of the same stepper? Or no effect there?) I might scavenge driver parts off floppy boards, but want to be able to be independent (on some designs) of a PC power supply Mark