>What I really meant to ask about was > about anyone's experience with a high volume design which works. If I had to do it, I would do "autobaud". That requires the PC to send at least one known character to the device to measure the bit time. An odd-code ASCII char works best, since the start bit is always zero, you can time the start bit. Hayes modems, of course, use 0x41h ("A" of the first "AT command ) to autobaud. Measure a bit time in cycles and remember it. Then the oscillator frequency doesn't matter as long as its stable and reasonably fast. If you have to be unidirectional, of course, this won't work. But if you can, you get auto baudrate setting in the bargain. Barry. ------------ Barry King, KA1NLH Engineering Manager NRG Systems "Measuring the Wind's Energy" Hinesburg, Vermont, USA www.nrgsystems.com