Hi all, I've just been mucking around to see if I have any access to my web site at all and I found out that I do. You can temporarily access picnpoke.com at this URL Many thanks to those that offered to help out while it was down. You can also download The Engine here; (`600K) and for those that have been asking... I have just posted the Parallax to PIC source converter here as well. (125K) There is no help file yet, but there's only a start button and a progress indicator on the form. Just press Start, click on a Parallax.src file and voila, you have a PIC.asm file. If it doesn't compile properly with MPASM, then there may be something I've missed. Any errors are listed in the new .asm file. One thing though, the software needs the .lst file as well as the .src file to function correctly, so compile the parallax file first with SPASM /L. "Include" directives are not supported yet, but you should be able to convert external files seperately and let MPASM do the rest. -- Best regards Tony