Ryan, you're describing MANY different computers there Two of them are; Dauphin DTR-1: http://www.eskimo.com/~toby/dtr1/docs/dtr1faq.html FAQ; http://www.eskimo.com/~toby/dauphin/docs/linux.html DTR-1 & Linux; http://www.surplustech.com/notelaps.htm has parts, but no DTR-1's now. Toshiba T100X: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Vista/4927/t100x_bigs.html, Tech Corner for the T-100X; etc. etc. There's also the MonoRail, a newer model Dauphin, etc. Lots of other machines like these (Grid makes a few IIRC.) These 2 tend to come up on eBay fairly often; If you want to know how to search for them there, use: http://search.ebay.com/cgi-bin/texis/ebay/results.html?cobrandpartner=x&maxRecor dsReturned=300&maxRecordsPerPage=100&category1=161&textonly=n&query=dauphin&Sort Property=MetaEndSort&SortOrder=%5Ba%5D&srchdesc=y and http://search.ebay.com/cgi-bin/texis/ebay/results.html?dest=&cobrandpartner=x&ma xRecordsPerPage=100&tc=&category1=161&textonly=n&query=t100x&SortProperty=MetaEn dSort&SortOrder=%5Ba%5D&srchdesc=y Mark Ryan Pogge wrote: > > hi, > I seem to remember following a URL from this list once > that brought me to a surplus electronics page, where there > was a rather cheep (around 100 dollars I believe) all in > one computer, If I remember correctly it had a 10" TFT > display built into the case and it looked like you could > hang it on a wall like a picture. If anyone knows what I am speaking > of, > please let me know the URL > THANKS! > _Ryan