Ken, I'm using PICs as master and slave on I2C, too. (two 16C76s) It all works fine for most cases. There is one error recovery case in the Slave's code that I am having trouble solving. When in Slave transmit mode, (that is, the Master is doing a read from the slave) it is possible (for example becuase of noise) for the NACK bit which flags the last requested byte to be mis-read as an ACK by the slave. If it is, the Slave hardware will continue in transmit mode, and stretch SCL low waiting for the next byte to be loaded. The Master wants to STOP, but can't because SCL is locked low. The bus is hung forever. Do you detect this failure mode? How? I think I'll get another transmit complete interrupt, rather than the expected STOP. What is the best way to get out of it? Right now, I send a dummy 0xFF byte, figuring that that will release SCL and SDA and let the Master STOP the bus. Have you found a better way? Another fine point: In slave receive mode, do you always get two interrupts for the last byte and the STOP, or do you always get one last interrupt with both bits (BF and P ) set? Does it depend on interrupt latency maybe? I seem to be getting inconsistant results on this, at this point I think I have to structure the ISR to handle either or both in any one interrupt. Thanks in advance for any insight you can lend; Of course I'm more than willing to share anything I've found out that may help you. Thanks, Barry. ------------ Barry King, KA1NLH Engineering Manager NRG Systems "Measuring the Wind's Energy" Hinesburg, Vermont, USA