On Thu, Aug 05, 1999 at 01:33:44PM +1200, Lance Allen wrote: > Anybody using the LON these days? > I gave up attempting to comply with the rules and expenses associated > being a LON developer, but now am considering applications similar in > principle to the LON. > The CAN bus looks attractive, what pitfalls await the hapless > developer, will I get screwed blind by some accountant, lawyer, > vampire (previous two occupations rolled into one) wanting their > royalties and requiring expensive proprietary tools? EDN just ran a story about "Home Networking" protocols, which -- since they were being marketed in that direction -- included some protocols that were traditionally used in industrial applications, such as LONworks. LON was seen as being a leading contender in the home market because of its maturity, but despite the price and the onerous problem of having to shoehorn a Neuron into every application. The whole article can be found at: http://www.ednmag.com/ednmag/reg/1999/070899/14cs1.htm or in Acrobat at http://www.ednmag.com/ednmag/reg/1999/070899/pdfs/14cs1.pdf The pdf is about 188KB. After reading the article, I had the overwhelming reaction that this home networking stuff was in dire need of an "open source" type solution. This appears to be one of those situations where there is so much money to be made in the long run, that the IP-mongers (IP meaning intellectual property in this case) are going to rip each other to shreads before they let each other grab the market share. If there was a good, implementable design out there, that could be used without having to dump half your profits into your competitor's pocket, I could see a lot of small manufacturers and independant contractors using that instead of the high-priced spread. I know that I shudder just to think about having to use something like Lon to control my sprinkler system; I'm much more likely to hack something togther myself. But then, I'm not normal, and I probably don't understand the real issues involved in all this home networking stuff. --Bob -- ============================================================ Bob Drzyzgula It's not a problem bob@drzyzgula.org until something bad happens ============================================================