On Wed, Aug 04, 1999 at 02:42:10PM -0700, Anne Ogborn wrote: > 4. some way to interface a program to create a stimulus file on the fly. > Incorporating Visual Basic would be easy. Listening at a TCP/IP > socket would be quite general. ODBC would be perverse but would > work - CORBA?? RMI??? ActiveX??? Something?????? Writing it in real Win32 code would be a start at improving the product for the Windows platform, although my preferance would be for them to go in the opposite direction and write totally portable code that could someday wind up on a Unix or Linux platform. Cadsoft, for example, is going to use the Qt GUI for the next version of Eagle, which will help keep the product cross-platform. It isn't clear to me that uChip cares about this sort of thing, however. To include VBA would require a reasonably hefty ISV license fee payable to M$, I believe, and could potentially threaten the free status of MPLAB. CORBA is more likely in that it is possible to implement the CORBA architecture without paying through the nose, in fact there are several free implementations available (although I don't know how many of them are available for Windows). Were they to take the CORBA route (not that I'm holding my breath) it would be incredibly cool if they were to work with Scott D. et. al. to come up with a unified interface that would allow stimulus generators that could be used with either the Microchip or the gpsim simulators. I mean, it isn't like Microchip makes any money off of Mplab that wouldn't also be made off an alternative IDE. Daydreaming, however, is way too easy. BTW, as for the help file being less than helpful, there is also a full (250 page) manual for MPLAB, that AFAIK doesn't come with the MPLAB download: http://www.microchip.com/10/Tools/PICmicro/DevEnv/MPLABi/Software/manual/51025b/ index.htm There are also MPASM/MPLINK/MPLIB manual at http://www.microchip.com/10/Tools/PICmicro/Code/MPASM/33014g/index.htm FWIW. --Bob -- ============================================================ Bob Drzyzgula It's not a problem bob@drzyzgula.org until something bad happens ============================================================