... Do you belive that "they" are actually recording a massive bandwidth of cell phone conversation? mostly from and to certain countries? voice recognition (identificaiton) and all? No, this is not science fiction. Just think about it... do you never wanted to record your own home phone line? considering the actual proportional differences you would spend something around $50 to $80 to do it... it correspond from 0.5 to 1.5% of your monthly income, right? what would be the "their" budget to purchase equipment to do a similar action? $300 million, $3 billion? what kind of recording and how far could you go to do it, if you have 1% of "their" national monthly budget to invest in equipment? What kind of equipment and how fast it should run to intercept any possible word mispelled as "bonb, bombe", or any other possible combination? with a zillion megabytes of text flowing via forums, chats, emails... what about rebuild graphic data and locate those same dangerous words from image?... what about decripting strange data that looks to be encripted? just to make sure it is not something that can be dangerous to the national security? Think about, if we are not in a war, why keep trainning our soldiers? why produce attack jets and missiles? do you know how many F14s F15s and F18s are just parked around... at some desert? with a real small possibility to be used someday? the name is "prevention". I believe that interpreting emails and cell conversations are a small slice in all this cost. by the way, let me send another message for those guys... "hey you guys, want an pure Florida's orange juice?" just kidding. Wagner.