On Mon, Aug 02, 1999 at 09:18:28AM -0400, Mike Keitz wrote: > In the USA, most of these [speed camera] tickets won't hold up in court. If t he photo I don't have a particular problem with the accuracy (unless, as you say, there are two cars in the photo), what I object to is that they are often deployed in locations where catching speeders has no obvious safety benefit, leading to the conclusion that it's a revenue raising exercise. As regards proving who was driving the car, the law here assumes the owner was unless the owner provides a statutory declaration that someone else (who must be named) was. If the car is owned by a company, the fine is five (5) times the individual fine (but obviously no demerit points are lost). If the company provides a stat. dec. as to who was the driver, then the original ticket is cancelled and a new one issued to the driver (at the lower rate, but with demerit points attached). -- Clyde Smith-Stubbs | HI-TECH Software Email: clyde@htsoft.com | Phone Fax WWW: http://www.htsoft.com/ | USA: (408) 490 2885 (408) 490 2885 PGP: finger clyde@htsoft.com | AUS: +61 7 3355 8333 +61 7 3355 8334 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HI-TECH C: compiling the real world.