Hi folks, If you are considering powering your electric models or any project that requires a hi capacity battery read on.. I am consistently getting 10 to 13 minute flight times with Tadiran cells on my new Robin 280 RC micro helicopter. This is almost four times the amount of time I was getting with NiCads. The Tadiran cells are amazing! I am recharging the Tadirans in no time with Ralph's easy charger. It takes about 1.5 to 2 hours, depending on when I decide to land and cut off the motor, and I am back flying again. This is great! After flying, the voltage drops from 10.2 volts to somewhere around 8.25 volts, this is nowhere near the recommended unsafe discharged voltage (2 volts/cell) and the batteries don't even get warm! They also seem to replenish between flights, if I decide to fly low throttle and stop to scratch a mosquito bite, when I fly in my garden and lift off again.:) Yesterday I broke the silence barrier.:) A loud sound of applause broke loose after flying the Robin 280 RC between neighbors' fences and logging 13 amazing minutes of flight time! Please visit Ralph Weaver's web pages for some information on the Tadiran Cells, associated chargers and flight pictures of the Robin 280 RC. If there are still any skeptics, after seen the in-flight pictures, I am working on a video that will put the icing on the cake of micro helicopter developments. Coming up soon on my new web pages. Ralph's web info page: http://www.magtechinc.net/Limfeedback.htm My web page: http://members.aol.com/miadsgns/mywoldc.htm Regards, Mario