I am attempting to use this delay code from: http://www.dontronics.com/rtc.html#pic2 >From what I can work out the equation gives the number of instructions which are executed. I am using a PIC16F84 (10Mhz) and want to know who to convert instructions to time. I have gone through th F84 data sheet and it doesn't specificly say how many clock cycles are used per instruction. It says 'cycles' but this is 1 or 2 and 0.1uS sounds a bit small. Thanks for your help in advance. Wesley The routine is below, it may have been mucked up by the mail program (wrapping). The link above will take you to the original version. delay movlw 0x001 ;standard delay routine. increase w value movwf count1 ; for increased delay movlw 0x001 ;can set up any delay by calling delay1 (NB!) movwf count2 ; with pre-set values in count1, 2, 3 movlw 0x020 ;ex Myke Predko, piclist 4 Jan97 movwf count3 ;delay, (no of instructions)= delay1 decfsz count3,same ;2 + 5*(count3-1) + goto $-1 ;2 + (5*255 +2+5) * (count2-1) + decfsz count2,same ;2 + (5*255*256 +2 + 5*255 +2+5) *(count1-1) goto $-3 ; = decfsz count1,same ;5(count3-1)+1282(count2-1)+327684(count1-1)+6 &nbp; goto $-5 ; return ;