I have been through this before. Yes they are the same. -----Original Message----- From: PJH [mailto:elek@NETSTRA.COM.AU] Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 1999 1:36 PM To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: DV LCDs? Hi, I've got a catalogue of LCDs, both alpha-numerics & graphics, from a Taiwanese co. called Data International. Their 16x2 character LCDs (DV16210) look the same, pin-wise, as the well known Hitachi HD44780. Question is, are they the same programme wise? Can't find'em on the web & the local distrib doesn't have any data sheets. Anybody ever heard of these modules? Are they equivalent to the 44780? Thanx for advice - PJH --