Hello all: I am new in Pic List (three weeks), and new in PIC, and new in uP (and not than new in age 8>( ). All of them are very interesting... I don't understand all themes because my limited english but the people in list seems clever and amusing. Thanks to all by help me to learn more fast. My question it is probabily a little silly. I beg you your patient with this foreing novice... I am trying to read RS-232 with a PIC (an old topic here), but my problem is: Suppose I just connect my RS-232 reader to a source of signal running before I make the connection, and suppose that signal is character "U", ASCII 85, Binary 01010101 (N 8 1), how can I recognize Start and Stop bit if data is only ....101010101010101010101010....? (I wasn't sure and check in Oscilloscope). That isn't my real problem of course, that make me think on the question of sincronizing a signal in a ininterrupted data stream when I connect the reader to it. All I have read begin with a long stop bit previous and then, the job is counting bits and wait next start bit.. As a matter of fact, my PC clone with W98 Hyperterminal seems unknown the technique also, because when I connect RS-232 to GPS data some times send to my screen lots of garbage characters: disconnect cable, reconnect and work OK (sometimes I have to repeat the procedure a couple of times). Miguel (Argentina)