I need someone to help me understand the configuration bits/word for the 16f84.  I specifically need to know how to configure for different crystal types.  I have rechecked Easy PIC'n and find references to it.  I have the ITU programmer and there is a program to manually configure but I lack the knowledge on how to do that.  The prompts for it are as follows:

ID LOC [0] (hex):
ID LOC [1] (hex):
ID LOC [2] (hex):
ID LOC [3] (hex):
Configuration Word (hex):
I have also seen reference in material on line showing the following line in a .asm file: _CONFIG _CP_OFF & _WDT_OFF & _XT_OSC & _PWRTE_ON
Including this in the asm file is no problem including the creation of the hex file however when it comes time to program the chip it fails.
No doubt I am missing something easy but whatever it is I am blind to it now.  Can it be included in the main asm file and programmed with every thing else?  Is it better to do it with the manual program?  Which ever is the better/only way how do I implement the changes.
Many thanks for your help,