I'm trying to work out a spec for a project based 'round a PIC, the project needs to control seven relays, LCD (16x4), I2C (2 devices), various LEDs (probably four) and a five key keypad and, hopefully, a 40/80 column cash register type printer. The chips I'm looking at are the 16C64/5 and 16C74, am I right in assuming that the 16C65 is basically a C74 without the ADC? Can I just use a /JW C74 and ignore the ADC (would be nice to have for a later project) without ill effects or do I need to add some code to disable the ADC effectively, thus making it non-suitable for the C64/5? Also, does anyone have any suggestions about what kind of printer mech and RTC (I2C) to use (only looking for simple graphics and text)? -- Clint Sharp