Hi Les, I can certainly understand your frustration, it's probably something they've heard many times. The manual is not a guide to C or to the PIC. It is a manual for HiTech C for the pic, and it's pretty dry and aimed at someone who already knows C and already knows PICs. It is a very professional product, so you should not give up. The code it generates is superior to the cheaper alternative. Far superior. I don't think they should change the manual, but it'd be great if they made a second manual, like "HiTech PIC C for Dummies" that used examples for beginners to get started. hint hint :-) There are examples for doing exactly what you want, they should have installed when you set up the compiler. Bit-banging serial output is there, and Clyde already pointed you how to alert printf where you want the data to go. I'd tell you, except I avoid printf because of the amount of codespace it uses. Friendly regards, Bob