I want to build an FM transmitter and receiver pair for 6 meters for use in the PICFlyer,  which I am proud to announce, may be released to the public!  It is a R/C radio suitable for use in large-scale model airplanes.  It is a computer radio (conrolled by yours truly, the PIC16F84 and 16C7x), fully programmable, and will have a ton of features too numerous to name here. 
    I want to give added support for the ham bands to allow experimentation in telemetry, and really cool stuff, like an onboard autopilot.  It also has a serial/parallel computer interface with some very good win95/98 software.  For those who are interested go to www.intcon.com/~jrclay I haven't updated the site in a week or so, there is a lot of news.  I am looking for someone who can make PCBoards and plastics for the case. the prototype is about done.
It will have "modules" that will make it usuable on various frequencies, including 50MHz,  The receiver is great, but I am having a hard time building transmitters.  Do you know of any good books/websites/etc?  The FCC has a 1W Power limit on telecommand applications.  But amplification is not my problem.  I just can't build an FM transmitter on brains alone,  I can't find any design references or articles on FM transmitters.  The receiver uses a PLL, simple, versatile, and easy for a PIC to control.
Anthony, KC5LHH