Much more dangerous that a crazy window is when you just close the car's
door violently with your 3 years old kid's fingers at the hinge...
Who never saw or experienced this terrible situation?
I think only anal-retentive people with kids can fully appreciate the fear
that can build once you realize how many opportunities there are for your 1
to 3 or so year old child to get his/her fingers caught in the door jam when
you are closing a door or when the door has been left open and the child
pushes it closed or falls against it when playing "peak-a-boo" through the
It hasn't happened to my kids yet, but I was at the emergency room with my
wife (rose thorn in the eye while pruning) and we saw a little boy come in
with a hand that will never be useful again. Parenting is hell.
I also knew a lady that stopped driving because she started thinking about
how, on a long straight two lane road, all the approaching driver has to do
is move the wheel about a half inch towards you, and you are a windshield
Its good to be able to stop thinking sometimes. Intelligence is not a
survival trait.
James Newton, webmaster
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