SCM Microsystems makes the SwapBox Classic (pretty versatile PCMCIA type 2 + Type 3 dock) for desktop systems. There are lots of other manufacturers for this sort of thing (I've bought these for as low as $10 on occasion. Need to sell off my Non-SCM units, now that I have a lifetime supply of SCM's, some day!) NecX has had a simple $10-$15 1-device PCMCIA dock for a while, unsure if they have it now, that'll give you access to a PCMCIA card (Compact Flash just takes a $15 adapter & then fits into a PCMCIA type 2 slot.) Beats putting your palmtop onto the home LAN, though using a laptop is easy enough to do. (Cheating) My Embedded Development PC's with the Needham's EMP-10 & EMP-20, will probably read EEProms 'directly', well, through those programmers anyways =) A Needham's PB-10 is only $129 or so? Mark Bruno Tremblay wrote: > > Hi, > The idea to use a flash card or EEPROM is good for (let say) a new > device. But the problem is when you want use your stored data. To my > knowledge, only laptop can read flash card, and I don't know any PC that > can read EEPROM directly. So, a floppy is a good idea too.