Measuring current or voltage drop over the motors can works, but it changes so much from different brands, contacts resistances and so one, even some extra drags on the windows can sometimes reach the same current of the end-of-curse. Actually when the motor reaches the end-of-curse position, it (most of the times) enter in a steady condition of non movement, with a (almost) constant current or voltage drop, so monitoring this situation could be a solution. If you could install something close to the motor, a field effect sensor would be (probably) a solution, since the magnetic field around the motor is changing when the motor is rotating, and somehow steady when it is overload and blocked. If you really can install things, do what all the manufacturers should do long ago, install limit switches...! -------------------------------------------------------- Wagner Lipnharski - UST Research Inc. - Orlando, Florida Forum and microcontroller web site: Microcontrollers Survey: