Most jobs are in the practical and direct application of electronic principles. I believe this fact is undisputed. So why does our society, at least Canada's, promote university education as the ONLY education. To this day, I have NEVER seen an engineer straight out of school do anything useful. In all the companies I've worked for, the only reason a fresh graduate gets hired, is because the engineering manager doesn't look past education. Every one has been a drain on the companies coffers without any significant contribution until they have been with the company at least 2 years. I know many small company who have learned that lesson the hard way. I've found that engineers imported from other parts of the globe like Malaysia, Germany, Russia, U.K, Australia, New Zealand, etc., seem to have the proper theoretical background, and can also compete on the practical level. So what is our educational system doing wrong, and what are non-North American educators doing right? When will our society realize that the arrogance and esteem of the engineering profession is really nothing to aspire to unless your true career focus is Ivory tower research. One solution would be to have tech. school as a pre-requisite to the underlying theoretical principles. Also, hire teachers on limited term who have enjoyed successful engineering careers. There's an old saying, those who cannot do -- teach! Craig