Anyone have any ideas on interfacing a PIC to a floppy disk controller? I'm working on a project where there will be a substantial amount of battery backed static RAM holding user data. I'd like to have removable storage so the user can easily load multiple sets of data. For interface simplicity, I'd have a load button and a store button that would read or write a single file to a 3.5 inch floppy. I have some 8086 code for dealing directly with floppies (without going thru BIOS), but if someone has already done it with a PIC, it'd be nice to not have to reinvent the wheel. Also, what is anyone's favorite FDC? It looks like the original NEC 765A requires an external PLL, which I'd like to stay clear of. Something like the National 87311 moves the PLL onto the chip, but also has IDE, UART, and parallel ports I don't really need. Harold Harold Hallikainen Hallikainen & Friends, Inc. See the FCC Rules at and comments filed in LPFM proceeding at ___________________________________________________________________ Get the Internet just the way you want it. Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month! Try Juno Web: