Just that? In Jal it would be (typing directly, might contain some problems): -- quiz -- a0..a4 are input, active low, pulled high with 10k -- b0..b3 are outputs, active low var bit button1 at pin_a0 var bit led1 at pin_b0 ...etc var bit quizmaster at pin_a4 port_a_direction = all_input port_b_direction = all_output procedure wait_for_answer is forever loop if button1 == low then led1 = low return end i ...etc end loop end procedure forever loop port_b = 0xFF -- clear leds wait_for_answer -- wait for someone to answer while quizmaster == high loop end loop -- wait for clear end loop regards, Wouter ---------- From: tens To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: QUIZ MASTER ( Who is the first?) Date: Thursday, July 15, 1999 08:33 Hi Piclisters, I'm newbie in PICs field and still learning for PIC codes.. I like to make a "Quiz Master" circuit for a game by using PIC 16F84, to replace the similar circuit function that I made by using Flip-Flop and Gates ICs. The main function of the circuit, that will determine who is the first to press a button in response to a question ( there are 4 buttons for 4 contestants ) and the coresponding output (LED indicator) to the button will light ON, while the other contestants that pressing the buttons after the first, will do not have any response to the ouput LED indicator, until the system is resetted for new Start. Does anyone have source codes for PIC 16F84 for that application? Any help is highly appreciated. Regards, Paul H..