Not only that, but all kind of useful info could be retrieved by a mapped memory sensors from, lets say, last 5 minutes of driver's and car's activities... as speed, gas and break pedals position, steering whell movements and so on... actually it is *sooo* easy to collect and store, that it could solve several doubts and discussions in case of accidents and so on. A simple graph of steering wheel activities could (without much guessing) the driver's DUI status... Let's see; if a video camera can be used to register and help to make a person inocent or guilty, what is the problem to record a car's activities? We are not talking about personal matters, or private things... when on the streets guiding a two thousand lb mass of metal it is a public matter, and this is why laws were done, so, I believe that any possible way to make the law be respected is a positive point, if not, is better to return to the caves... and don't forget the dry matches to be able to have a nice night fire... and a nice sharp rocky knife to hunt that ugly bear... Want more? I would vote to have a law to analyze a person's driving ability, based on the info from the on-board computer download... Stored by months... :) To start the car's engine you need to insert your driver's license on the dash board "Driver's ID" receptacle, so it would know who is driving. It makes you think about some futuristic movie? The car's on-board-computer talking to you: "You just lost more 3 points by speeding the street limit, now you have only 28 until you loose your license... this penalty just withdraw automatically $110 from your bank account" "You just lost more 2 points by changing lanes in a continuous white stripe... now you have only 26 points until you loose your license... this penalty just withdraw automatically $110 from your bank account" "You just lost more 1 point by tailgating the car in front of you... now you have only 25 points until you loose your license... this penalty just withdraw automatically $20 from your bank account" haha... long life to technology... :) ... may we suggest it to the government? would them appreciate the idea? All of you know that this is totally possible to implement right now. Wagner. [snip] > > Police will refuse to ticket motorists who do not drive compliant vehicles. > > In order to maintain the gov't's revenue stream, a single standard will be > > mandated by Congress which will permit the government's tax assessor (aka > > Police Officer) to download from the vehicle the data which corroborates > > the officer's contention that the vehicle was traveling with an excessive > > speed.