Sorry, but I could not resist... :) Flash ROM or Flash Eprom (as You say), or F.EPROM ==> FEPROM is a natural upgrade from EEPROM, see? a step up in the letters... :) It is a complete different technology, Flash is faster to read/write, Eeprom stands more writes before it gets compromised (Eeprom = around 1 million cycles, Flash = 1 thousand cycles), Flash is easier to produce for large arrays and memory size, Eeprom is older. Actual both devices generate internally the higher voltage necessary to write the cells, so actual devices uses only +5V and +3.3V (I guess), didn't see anything for +2.5V yet. Technical details? well, eeprom change (programs) a "funnel" characteristic into a silicon cell, while flash use a "floating cell" ... :) both are very sensible to data mess up when detonating a small neutron bomb close to it.... oh man... don't press it too hard... Wagner Greg Hartung wrote: > > What the heck is the difference between EEPROM and flash EPROM? > > Jim Paul wrote: