>1. All English is migrating towards being spoken as she is spoken >here (even genuine Brit version, to their horror). And as soon as I can figure out how to get Adobe to make a font with :-) and all the others as single characters, I'll be set! >sheep farming efficiencies that they have slapped a 9% import tax The farm coalition in the US is one of the most powerful lobbying segments. Other powerful ones are NRA (National Rifle Association, to protect our Constitutional rights) and the NEA (National Education Association, to protect their jobs). The NEA is so powerful that it is the only union which has an official government department, and it was very openly created as paybacks to the NEA for support of a particular candidate for President. >3. TO KEEP THIS ON TOPIC :-) >A nice trick for checking electro cap (metal can version only) I was looking for a trick, like "charge cap, hand to newbie tech to see reaction as he closed the leads" or such. Andy ================================================================== Andy Kunz Life is what we do to prepare for Eternity ------------------------------------------------------------------ andy@rc-hydros.com http://www.rc-hydros.com - Race Boats andy@montanadesign.com http://www.montanadesign.com - Electronics ==================================================================