If you are real clever and want to add a small cap and a couple of transistors I bet you could do the entire interface with 1 PIC pin. Given that the slew rate on the pic TX pin is known. On Thu, 8 Jul 1999, John Esposito wrote: > Question: > > I am trying to implement RS485 using a Maxim 3082 (half duplex) and a PIC. I > want to conserve PIC I/O pins (don't we all??); is this layout acceptable? > > PIC RB0 - controls TX/RX mode; tied directly to MAX ~RE (rx enable not) and MA X > DE (tx driver enable) > PIC RB1 - bi-directional input; tied directly to MAX RO (rx output) and MAX DI > (tx input) > > When RB0 is low (receiving), RO splits its output between DI (which is in don' t > care state) and RB1 > When RB0 is high (trans), RB1 splits its output between DI and RO (which is in > High-Z) > > Is this acceptable? Is any other hardware (resistors, etc) necessary? Assumi ng > I allow for propagation delays, all should be well, right?? > > Any comments are greatly appreciated. > > > Regards, > > --John >