Piclist Gurus, I am trying to interface an MPX5100 absolute pressure sensor to a PIC via an LTC1298 12 bit A/D, where I require an accuracy of +/-2ft between ref. ground level and 1000 ft.. Using the CCS compiler (can't cope with asm!) and the example prog. and header written for the LTC1298, I can't get a stable reading off the A/D. I have seen various examples of this on the 'net, especially 'Barom.c' (www.phanderson.com)which reads pressure and wind speed, but can't get this to compile. As an aside, I have tried voltage to frequency conversion, then measure pulses as well, which also proved to be unstable. I have no doubt that the problem is my maths/code, and not the hardware, as a DVM on the measured output on all the schemes I have tried is solid. Any help/pointers greatly appreciated - I need to sleep! Andy Holdaway