At 03:40 PM 99.06.30 -0600, you wrote: > (Sorry if this is a repeat, but I should be receiving my own > posts and didn't get this one. Also, I made a correction to my > original, I hadn't calculated precision correctly) > > If I could chime in on this again (previously under "long, > accurate times..."). There is a method using fixed point > fractions where you can get precise real time with *any* > stabile crystal frequency. The beauty of it is that you can > use the same method for any crystal and you can even calibrate > your crystal for more precision. (... deleted ...) Ah So! THAT explains the code I saw in one of Myke's PicLite examples. He used this in a clock with a 1 mHz xtal. Needless to say, it is non-obvious! Thanks. (MYKE! This is a candidate for your Web Site on the Snippets (or algorithms, if you had one) page.) Larry Larry Bradley Orleans (Ottawa), Ontario, CANADA