Hi all, Well it took a while but I've finally finished my first PIC project, my first self designed electronics project too. It's a combination MIDI knob box and voltage to MIDI converter. A couple of weeks ago I posed the question "What are some clever ways of interfacing a 12 pos rotary switch to a PIC", there were a number of different responses and I'd like to thank everyone who responded for your help - I learn't a lot just reading the different ways it could be done. I ended up using a solution based on a 4017 (thanks Morgan Olsson for that suggestion) I connected the 11 outputs (including carry) of a standard CMOS 4017 decade counter to 11 of the 12 switch terminals, the 12th switch terminal was tied to ground. I tied clock on the 4017 to +5ve and connected reset and ClockEnable to separate pic pins (I had a few spare). The common switch terminal was connected to another PIC pin. The switch was less than 6inches from the main PCB so I took the chance and put the 4017 on the PCB and used a ribbon cable to connect them - I might try gluing the chip to the back of the switch next time. The PIC steps the 4017 though each state (1 to 10) checking the common switch output as it goes. If the switch is switched to the carry output the switch output will be high for the first two 4017 clocks, otherwise the common switch output is high at only one clock phase, or at none for the grounded switch position. I used a lookup table to remap the returned numbers to the correct program states. Somehow I managed to blow up RB1 on a 16F84 while working on this, it just stopped outputing data - I guess I'll save that chip for something that dosn't need RB0... Thanks for your help, PICList forever! Ross.